Sunday, July 22, 2007

Well Traveled Tots

We're back from our whirlwind of travel. In the past three weeks, Lucie and Ryan have ventured from Duluth, MN for cousin Jayme's wedding , back home, and then to a week visiting both sets of grandparents. They did great on all the travel, especially the two legs that I flew by myself with both kids. When it comes to travel with toddlers, we've learned that the lower you set your expectations, the happier you'll be with the results.

The trip had many highlights for Lucie and Ryan, many relating to their favorite new phrase "Up! Down!" From flying up in a plane, to watching the aerial lift bridge over Lake Superior in Duluth, to climbing up and down the cabin on Papa's boat - this trip had many occasions for L & R to sing out happily, "Up! Down!"

We had a wonderful time with family, and we're looking forward to more time together later this summer and fall. But first, I think we'll all take a good, long nap.

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