Sunday, May 13, 2007

Anyone Seen My Shoes?

Our girl sure loves shoes. Any time Lucie doesn't have her own shoes on, she can be found cruising around the house in her brother's, mom's, or dad's. Lucie loves her elephant and Ryan's giraffe slippers (thanks, Aunt Marsha), and just recently figured out how to put on flip-flops.

Running shoes are another favorite. You'd think a woman's size 9 shoe would slow her down, but not our Lucie. She can chase after her brother just as quickly in a pair of Asics than on her own bare feet. I was six years old when I did my first Wharf-to-Wharf race - maybe she'll be ready sooner?


Anonymous said...

Hey, is little Lucie gaining weight?! Hope so!


Jayme said...

Lucie is such a cutie!

Marsha said...

Glad to see the slippers are being used. That last photo showing Lucie's long locks is so precious. I so remember those "shoe" days...I think all toddlers like their parents shoes better than their own :-)