Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Grandparents = Fun Times!

While we've always enjoyed grandparents' visits, they're even more fun now that Lucie and Ryan are older and able to do more things. When Chris's parents were in town recently, we all went out to breakfast and then spent the morning exploring the park with Ryan and Lucie. We had four adults to two toddlers - now that's my kind of adult to child ratio on the play structure! Here's Grandma Laura enjoying cuddle/story time and Grandpa Ralph out and about with the stroller.

With my parents here for an Easter visit, we had a few more delicious breakfasts out (notice a theme here? R & L love pancakes) and some fun play at the beach. It was the first time Lucie and Ryan really enjoyed the beach as they dipped their toes in the ocean and generally got as wet and sandy as possible. Here Gigi takes Lucie on a water collecting expedition, while Papa helps Ryan show off his sandy toes. Lucie and Ryan sure are lucky to have four wonderful grandparents in their lives.

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