Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Grandparents = Fun Times!

While we've always enjoyed grandparents' visits, they're even more fun now that Lucie and Ryan are older and able to do more things. When Chris's parents were in town recently, we all went out to breakfast and then spent the morning exploring the park with Ryan and Lucie. We had four adults to two toddlers - now that's my kind of adult to child ratio on the play structure! Here's Grandma Laura enjoying cuddle/story time and Grandpa Ralph out and about with the stroller.

With my parents here for an Easter visit, we had a few more delicious breakfasts out (notice a theme here? R & L love pancakes) and some fun play at the beach. It was the first time Lucie and Ryan really enjoyed the beach as they dipped their toes in the ocean and generally got as wet and sandy as possible. Here Gigi takes Lucie on a water collecting expedition, while Papa helps Ryan show off his sandy toes. Lucie and Ryan sure are lucky to have four wonderful grandparents in their lives.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Egg Excitement

The highlight of Easter Sunday for two toddling 18 month olds? The egg hunt, of course. Ryan and Lucie had a ball taking part in the festivities at Aunt Betsy and Uncle Saul's house. Their cousins Milo and Maggie were very sweet and left the most visible eggs for Ryan and Lucie while they pursued the well hidden ones. R & L had a great time picking up each egg, giving it a shake, and placing it with satisfaction in their basket. It wasn't until their cousin Emily opened up an egg for them that they realized there were treats inside. How cool was that?

Now a few days later, R & L aren't ready to part with their baskets and plastic eggs. They love to walk around the house, dropping eggs in special spots for their parents to discover at a later date. Just this morning I went to put on my shoes and there was a purple egg. I found another in the laundry basket placed carefully under last night's pajamas. And so the hunt lives on...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

"Cheese!" Times Two

In Ryan and Lucie's first year, we got a bunch of great photos of the two of them together. Now that they are walking, however, forget about it. Not only is it tough to get them both physically in the same place without the use of a five-point harness (hence all the stroller and high chair shots), but it's even more difficult to get simultaneous smiles.

Here Ryan does his best toothy grin, while sis tries to eat her snack cup. Then, Lucie smiles demurely, and Ryan feeds a Cheerios craving. Ah well, enough attempts for the perfect photo - we're off to the park.