Thursday, February 01, 2007

Staff Meeting in the Sandbox

Lunch hours in my pre-babies days often included power walks and relaxing with co-workers. I still go on those power walks, though now the quick pace is motivated more by nap schedules (please, oh please don't fall asleep in the stroller!) than releasing workday stress. I also still enjoy getting together with my former co-workers at a different lunch spot - the sandbox, not the conference room.

Along with a new location comes some pint-size members to our lunchtime crew. Logan is the leader at almost 2 years, with Lucie and Ryan in between, and Shaun the newest playtime companion at age 3 months. Lucie and Ryan LOVE playing in the sand with Logan, especially when he brings all his cool cars and trucks. Shaun will be in there digging around in no time - for now he enjoys the view from his Baby Bjorn.

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