Monday, March 06, 2006

Night #167

For 166 nights, Lucie and Ryan have been our alarm clocks. Well technically, it was IV machines the first four nights, and breast-pumps the next seven, but basically crying babies have kept us from getting more than 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep over the last six months. During the dark days of November, we were lucky to get 7 hours in two nights.

But not last night. Ryan slept solidly from 10:30pm to 7am with Lucie sacked out from 8pm until 5am. And for almost 7 hours in between Megan and I enjoyed the sustained peace and quiet that people without kids take for granted.

Of course, since Lucie recently decided she wants to sleep on her stomach, I did have to get up three times to make sure she was breathing...

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