Saturday, December 17, 2005

Baby Gear: The Sling

The sling dates back to a more primitive time before batteries and plastic. Vibration is provided by the sway of natural motion and music comes from the parental heartbeat (or dad's indigestion as the case may be). It's just you and the baby as Lucie demonstrates in our New Native Natural Baby Carrier.

It also makes a handy bib if worn during dinner. Although all too often I end up wiping spagetti sauce off Lucie's cheeck afterwards.

Parents of twins should buy one and try it out. You may prefer Baby Bjorn's (more on those in another post) or find that the babies don't like the curled-up position the sling forces them into. In our case, Ryan won't tolerate one minute in the sling while Lucie can happily spend an hour snuggled tightly.

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