Sunday, September 02, 2012

Eighteen Months Old: Jake

Here's our Jake...eighteen months old and as lovable, smiley and fun as ever!

Jake has sprinted into toddlerhood. At age one, he was barely able to stand unassisted. Now six months later, he trots down hills to the park in his little flip-flops. The walking started practically overnight at fifteen months, steady and strong, as if he had been doing it for years. And, it hasn't stopped since.

The biggest change in the past six months is in Jake's desire to do everything, and I mean everything, his big sister and brother are doing. He used to be entertained by watching their activities, now he wants to be right in the center of everything they are doing.

This little guy can ride a scooter, eat grapes and kid-sized pieces of watermelon in single bites, walk to school, kick a soccer ball, laugh at jokes in Ryan and Lucie's TV shows, surprise us by doing somersaults on the bed, and fervently express his desire to be excused from the dinner table, just like the rest of them.

When it comes to the dinner table, he has no interest in his high chair, and prefers to be sitting on the bench at the table, smack dab between his brother and sister. He may be eighteen months old, but Jake thinks he's nearly seven.

Despite his desire to do what the big kids do, there are some things about him that are decidedly toddler-like. He loves Elmo and sings out his name when he spots him, "Emmo!". He needs one big nap every day, and is happy to take it, especially with Froggy by his side.

He loves trash trucks. He puts up a fight about being strapped into his car seat or stroller, especially it seems, when we're late for soccer practice. He has funny names for things or people, like "Daddin" for "Daddy". He is obsessed with remote controls and cell phones. He does not like putting his pajamas on at night. And, of course, he makes us smile and laugh, all day, every day.

It's hard to imagine life without our Jakey around. He is truly an integral part of our family, and we are thoroughly enjoying this adventure through toddlerhood together. Now, on to our newest family tradition at half birthdays... doughnuts!

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