Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Four-Year-Old's Olympics

We've been having a lot of fun watching the Olympics with the kids.

Ryan loves the downhill skiing, bobsled, and snowboarding events (basically any sport involving speed and risk) while Lucie is mesmerized by figure skating. She discovered ice dancing last night and spent the rest of the evening showing off her twizzles, reminding me of walks to school with Aunt Rach and friends during our childhood Winter Olympics, leaping down the blocks while practicing our toe loops.

However, the action isn't just in Vancouver. A few local Olympic events include balloon tennis with friends:

Bucket balancing while wearing hearts from head to toe:

Hula hooping:

and the favorite when rainy weather turns warm, mud puddle creation and splashing:

I guess life is a series of Olympic events when you're four years old.

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