Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stormy Weather

The winter storms predicted to hit us this week have not disappointed.

With tons of wind and rain outside, we've been busy building forts, reading stories, baking cookies, painting the weather, and eating snack after snack to keep the cabin fever at a minimum. Not that we all haven't had our moments of feeling a bit stir crazy — with kids singing the "Handy Manny" theme song on permanent repeat, it's hard not to feel a little batty.

Our usual routine is to walk home after preschool, but because of the wet and unpredictable weather, we did preschool pick-up in a taxi instead. I told Lucie and Ryan to pretend we lived in New York City, not our suburban streets of SUVs and minivans. Ryan thought it was terribly exciting. Lucie wasn't feeling quite as cosmopolitan, shivering from the cold and declaring she was carsick.

In the storms' milder moments, Lucie and Ryan have put on every piece of rain gear they own to splash in puddles and find fallen sticks and leaves. The ladybug and frog umbrellas seem happy to get so much attention.

1 comment:

Amey said...

such cuties!
this year I have really enjoying the quiet time with all the rain - it must be a sign that I am getting old! I love those little cuties in their rain gear. Don't you remember how exciting rain was when we were little?!