Thursday, April 16, 2009

Goodbye Cribs

After much procrastination, we finally set up Lucie and Ryan's big kid beds. Though we've had the beds for over two months now, they hadn't made it from the garage into the house until this week.

The delay in set-up was partly because we've had a lot going on, but mainly because the thought of packing up cribs made us both a bit sad. In taking down Ryan's crib, Chris said he felt like he had just set it up (and to think that was back when we only needed one crib!). To me, it feels like just yesterday that I picked out bedding for our second crib to accommodate growing babies who no longer fit side by side. And now, suddenly we're done with both cribs? Just like that? Really?

But, clearly, it had to be done. Lucie and Ryan are definitely the "big kids" their new beds celebrate. Not just in size, but also in attitude and maturity. They were beyond ready for this.

And, boy have they celebrated! They adore their beds. Ryan is giddy over the fact that he has orange sheets and a fire engine on his quilt. Lucie loves having space to spread out Ella the elephant and her entourage of loved ones, while admiring her pink flowered quilt.

Whenever anyone has come over these past few days, L & R have raced to show them their room, with Ryan building up to the big surprise by declaring, "You may not believe this, but come see! Come see!"

He's right. I'm still not sure I believe it either, but I'm warming to it. I love to see how much pride and enjoyment they get from their beds. Though, I must admit, it may take me some time to fold up the old crib sheets. This parenting thing sure moves quick.

1 comment:

Jessica Heldman said...

It is absolutely my favorite Ryan moment when he shared "We have a're NOT going to be-LIEVE it!" They are both so proud of their beds, as they should be! What big kids. As exciting as it is, however, please let me know if you figure out a way to freeze time - they are all getting too big much too fast!