We no longer live in a two bedroom apartment -- hooray! With two little ones helping us clean, pack, load, unload, and clean again, we successfully transported our little family to our new house. We now have double the indoor space of our last place, plus a yard and a garage. It feels great. Though we're surrounded by boxes to unpack, repair items to check-off, and countless home improvement projects, we already feel like we can breathe easier. Our long awaited goal of home ownership and more space for our little guys has arrived.
Lucie and Ryan are busy, busy, busy exploring our new home and neighborhood and making it their own. What's keeping them so busy? Their favorite new activities include: opening the garage door (repeatedly), ringing the doorbell (repeatedly), climbing up and down the stairs (repeatedly), turning on every light and ceiling fan in the house, running countless laps through the living room and kitchen, watering their new tomato plant (transplanted to a pot with Grandma's help) and eagerly waiting in front of the house for Daddy to pull into the garage at the end of the day. There's a lot of activity around here. No wonder we're all sleeping so well at night.
Speaking of unpacking, I haven't unpacked Ryan's fireman costume, and thankfully, he's made no mention of missing it. With summer weather upon us, I just might find a spot for it in the upper corner of my closet, at least until cooler weather this fall. I'd hate for our little firefighter to overheat while he shows me which switch turns on the ceiling fan in the living room.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
4 days ago
Congratulations on buying a house!! I bet you are breathing easier. What neighborhood did you guys move into?
And the twins sound very busy learning how to work things in their new home. Very cute story.
And good luck tucking away Ryan's fireman costume. I hope it comes in larger sizes because he'll need new ones as he grows! ; )
Enjoy your new place!
Congrats on the new home purchase! I look forward to seeing photos of Lucie & Ryan playing in their own yard. Tell Lucie I like her style...boots & necklace to sweep the kitchen.
Hoorah! The big move is complete! That's so super awesome. Sounds like lots of fun getting acquainted with a new house and a new neighborhood.
Congratulations Megan! I can't wait to hear more about the new house - and see some pictures?
Congratulations!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys. It sounds great! (So funny about the fireman costume, Sal still likes to wear his fire hat everywhere.)
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