As always, Ryan, Lucie and Tate had a great time together during our recent trip. With each visit, their play and interaction increases, this time more noticeably than ever before. Now that Tate is walking, eating finger foods, napping once a day, and interested in Uncle Andrew's old toys and Elmo's World, the three cousins practically acted like triplets. I loved it.
Tate wanted to do everything his cousins did, and Lucie and Ryan wanted to do everything Tate did. At one point R & L were crawling around on the floor saying, "I'm a baby!" as if to remind Tate how much he had grown since the last time we saw him. Tate was very aware of his cousins too, wanting to sit at the table with them instead of the highchair, take a bath with them, and sleep in the same room. Hopefully he didn't come to regret the sleeping in the same room part — his cousins have been making bedtime routine a bit of a challenge recently.
Ryan (and Lucie sometimes) has been testing us with seemingly endless requests for one more story, one more drink of water, one more song, one more anything to keep us from closing the door and saying goodnight. Tate was a great sport about this, and would calmly endure all of cousin Ryan's cries for "Mo Wata! Mo Wata! Mo Wata!". Each time I came in the room to calm Ryan down with a sip of water, Tate would sit up in his crib and smile at me. It was a sweet smile, with a sleepy twinkle in his eye, as if he was taking notes on Ryan's bedtime stalling tactics to try out on his own parents some day. Sorry Rach and Jason!
Now that we've been home for some time, Tate is still on Ryan and Lucie's mind. Each time they see an airplane in the sky, they yell out, "Tate! Tate!" When I commented that a sweater was getting too small for Lucie, she replied, "Give it to Taters!" In Ryan and Lucie's minds, all airplanes and outgrown clothes (even pink and purple striped sweaters?) lead to their much missed cousin Tate.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago
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