Ryan and Lucie could spend hours in the tub, and sometimes do! Lately on days when we stay indoors (rainy day, runny noses, etc.), I've been filling up the tub for a good chunk of playtime. Because the majority of R & L's baths are squeezed in a short window between dinner and bedtime, it's nice to have an open period of time just to let them play in the water. I don't even try too hard to get them clean, as evidenced by today's bath where they came out a tinge greener than when we started. Obviously, the bath paints were a hit.
Another thing Lucie and Ryan love to do in the bath is play with their "icebuggas!" (Ryan-speak). I got this tip from another twins mom. At the end of each bath, R & L choose a small bath toy for their iceberg. We fill a plastic cup with water, put in the toy and place it in the freezer. (You would not believe how much debate goes on in our house about the optimal way to freeze a bath toy in the exact center of a plastic cup - it's harder than it seems!) Then at the beginning of each bath, everyone gets to watch their bath toy appear as the iceberg floats and melts in the warm bath water. Though I haven't tried it yet, you can also add food coloring before freezing to make the iceberg really stand out. I guess I figure R & L's bath water is colorful enough as it is right now.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago