No, we haven't installed a trampoline in our living room, much to Ryan and Lucie's dismay. (This photo is of fun times with their friend Skyler at buddies Vivian and Grace's 2nd birthday party.) Though if we did have one, R & L would love it, as their new nap past-time is jumping up and down on their crib mattresses - over and over again, sometimes for their entire nap time!
Ryan and Lucie have become quite "active" nappers lately. On many days, as soon as I close the door after tucking them in, I can hear both pop up in their crib and start giggling. Some days the giggling, jumping, and stuffed-animal-throwing goes on for a short period until they quickly succumb to sleep. Other days it goes on and on and on.
Ryan is usually the instigator of nap time fun. If Lucie is quietly settling in to sleep, he'll call out, "Sis? Wake up?" Sometimes she'll happily join him in goofing off, others she'll reply back forcefully, "Rye - lay down!" She takes her role as first born very seriously.
After a week of missed or mediocre naps went by, I started to get nervous. Was this just a phase? Could they really be dropping their one and only nap at age 2? How would I ever survive? All the books I consulted assured me that most kids don't drop their naps until at the earliest 2.5 years old. Phew.
Thankfully, things are getting better and they've been taking more solid naps. An earlier nap time and lots of outdoor activities in the morning definitely help. They're back to the peaceful little sleepers that they used to be - at least for now.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
4 days ago
1 comment:
I spy some MN dinosaurs with those beautiful napping children! Did you have to read "How do dinosaurs say Goodnight" first?
I love the Ryan not ready to nap and big sis Lucie telling him to lay down story! I sure wish we lived closer to see them more often.
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