Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two Years Old Today

September 19th has brought back a flood of memories for us. Hope you enjoy this journey...

P.S. Grandparents, DVD's are on their way to you soon.


Marsha said...

Bravo, Bravo! I LOVED this video. That was the most entertaining thing I have watched in a long time!

Congratulations Ryan & Lucie...may you have a wonderful birthday!

Anonymous said...

What a phenomenal tribute to two beautiful years and two absolutely precious kids. I’m bawling of course… the music is perfect. I’ll be celebrating two today too! All love, Sandy

Marsha said...

Just showed it to Aunt Renae who enjoyed it very much too!

Only my 3rd time to watch it :-)

ABlanca said...

So sweet! Brought tears to my eyes too. Happy Birthday Ryan and Lucie! You are surrounded with so much is a beautiful to see. Thank you for sharing your amazing little ones with all of us. Lots of love, Carey

Amey said...

oh WOW! It's so wonderful! Happy Birthday to all of you! I love love love your beautiful movie... sigh! Can't wait to see you all soon.

lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Wow! An amazing work of art with such talented co-stars. Kudos to the great loving parents for raising such adorable and sweet kids! Happy birthday Lucie and Ryan! Love, Laura