Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Life's a beach when you're almost two. Spending the morning building sandcastles has become one of our favorite weekend routines. As much as we liked to think of ourselves as beach people, the truth is, we've been there more times in the past few months than we have in many years. I guess it's Ryan and Lucie who are truly the beach people.

The beach is a perfect spot for curious toddlers - long expanses of sand to run around, an endless supply of water to fill up buckets and watering cans, and no restrictions on getting wet and dirty.

When it comes to getting wet and dirty, Ryan is the king. He'll go through three clean t-shirts by the time Lucie has merely dirtied her hands. And, you wonder, why do I keep changing him? Now that's a good question, and probably explains where Lucie got her penchant for cleanliness!

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