Friday, March 23, 2007

The Big 2-to-1 Nap Transition

Everything had been going smoothly with R & L's morning and afternoon naps until the dreaded napping revolts began about a month ago. Ugh. They would either take a short morning snooze and spend the afternoon jabbering in their cribs, or the morning nap would be a complete bust (more jabbering or crying in the cribs) and they'd fall asleep in the stroller coming back from our morning activity. Naptime was becoming too stressful and unpredictable - it was definitely time to move them to one afternoon nap a day.

There are a few ways to transition and I chose the cold turkey method - dropping the morning nap and moving the afternoon nap a bit earlier. I was a little worried about the transition but things actually went pretty smoothly. We only had a few days where one or both babies practically fell asleep in their lunch (as Ryan demonstrates so well here). After a few weeks now, they seem used to the new schedule. With a longer stretch of time in the morning, we've joined the other parents and toddlers at the park at 8:30 a.m. I've learned that it's one long morning if you don't get out of the house...


Amey said...

Oh wow.
Great pictures

I hope the weather stays nice for you all, to help with the morning outings!

Anonymous said...

Just a question:
Who is Tate's Mom? Is she Megan's sister?


Megan said...

Hi Mollie,

Yep, Tate's Mom is my younger sister, Rachel.

Hope that helps! :)


ABlanca said...

Hi Meggers!
Lucie and Ryan are getting so big and cuter by the day. I love reading your blog. I am a fan of the nap myself :-) Carey

ABlanca said...

Hi Meggers!
I love reading your blog. Lucie and Ryan are getting so big and cuter by the minute. I am a big fan of the big nap myself.
Carey :)