After two wonderful, adventure-filled weeks visiting family, it's been a bit tough for Lucie and Ryan to get back into the routine at home. Two tired parents and a bowl of Cheerios pales in comparison to the entertaining relatives and homemade breakfast goodies they had come to enjoy each morning over the holidays.
Lucie and Ryan aren't the only ones who miss waking up to grandparents, uncles, aunt and cousin just waiting to play with them. I sure miss that too — all the help meant a chance for us to relax and watch R & L soak in all the wonders of the holidays. Christmas through the eyes of twin two year olds is quite enchanting.
While they loved opening their many beautiful gifts, some of R & L's best moments were spent enjoying the little things in life we grown-ups sometimes forget are really fun. Here are some of Lucie and Ryan's highlights:
* Picking up the newspaper from the front step each morning with Papa
* Helping Gigi cook pancakes, "monkey bread", and cinnamon rolls
* Picking tomatoes (in December!) from the garden with Grandma
* Helping Grandpa put the flag out each day
* Enjoying all things with cousin Tate — from eating to bathing to playing with seaweed to jumping in their cribs after nap time
* Christmas lights galore in both grandparents' neighborhoods. As we drove by illuminated houses, Lucie and Ryan would yell out from their car seats, "I see 2 no-men mommy! I see 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 wayne-deer!"
Once again, Lucie and Ryan reminded me that the little details in life are often the most important and meaningful. Here's to more adventures with family and enjoyment of the small stuff in 2008!
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago