Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Turkey Day!

Ryan and Lucie wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Their party clothes made it all the way through Thanksgiving dinner. Pretty impressive! Once it was time for pumpkin pie, the footed sleepers came out.

My cousin Katie was good enough to let us use her room for feeding and changing. Just what every teenage girl wants in her bedroom -- dirty diapers!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Relaxing to the Soothing Sounds of...

... a vacuum cleaner? Ryan and Lucie's pal Erick loaned them his favorite CD, "For Crying Out Loud", which has quickly become a hit. The CD has 8 different tracks of white noise, with everything from a hairdryer to rain to crashing waves. Ryan and Lucie's personal favorite is the vacuum cleaner track which we keep on continuous repeat throughout the night. While it drives us bonkers, it obviously is loved by our little ones. We'll do anything for a few extra minutes sleep!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Incredible Growing Babies

It's been three weeks since our last pediatrician's visit so we were anxious to get an update on Lucie and Ryan's growth. The scales confirmed what Megan and I are already knew -- our babies are growing. A lot.

Lucie: 8 lbs, 14 ozs and 21 inches
Ryan: 9 lbs, 12 ozs and 22 inches

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Paparazzi

It's absolutely amazing how many people stop to talk to you when pushing a double stroller. Some of the questions are simply hilarious to us - everything from "Are they twins?" to "Are they identical?" (especially after finding out they are boy/girl)

We also get a lot of attention from fellow twins parents including our UPS man who gives me a weekly update on breastfeeding teething twins (ouch!) and a truck driver who waived us down from his cab and yelled , "I have twin boys! Have fun!"

Saturday, November 12, 2005

What's the Definition of Colic?

Anytime our babies have a rough night, we sleepily ask each other, "Do you think its colic?" Turns out many others wonder the same thing. It's the most popular topic at my breastfeeding support group where moms share all sorts of remedies from gripe water to a warm bath. Colic even hit the front page of the NY Times this week.

Turns out that if you have to wonder, your baby does not have colic. You'd know. Here Ryan demonstrates his best fussy face...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Now It's Your Turn to Smile

We've quickly learned that it's nearly impossible to get a good pose out of both babies at once. It's as if they have a secret agreement to only smile when the other is crying or rolling her eyes. This is just the beginning of twin language, I'm sure.

It's going to be a wild ride -- here's a classic example...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Hanging with Uncle AJ

Ryan and Lucie spent some quality time with Uncle Andrew last Friday night. He told them about college life - his Italian midterm, the latest at International House, and his plans to initiate new members of the Ultimate Frisbee team. Ryan told Andrew about his busy week including rolling over while playing on his activity gym, lots of eating and diaper changes, and one major crying fit in the Macy's children's section where he turned red and almost gave his mom a heart attack. Phew, what a week!