Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woo-Woo Madness

Ryan has developed a love for firetrucks. It started earlier this summer with a new pair of pajamas, and has grown like crazy since then. If he had it his way, "Woo-Woo!" pj's would be worn every night, though sadly this firetruck pair will have to be tucked away soon as nights grow cooler and Ryan's belly grows bigger.

Whenever we see a firetruck out and about, Ryan gets very excited, screaming "Woo! Woo!" at the top of his lungs. He remembers and can replay for you every encounter with a fire truck - from the one that he saw with "Uncle" (Andrew) in Tahoe to the many that blaze by our favorite bagel shop (favorite because it's right down the street from the fire station) during Sunday breakfast. Lucie's a great sport through all the big truck excitement - like a good, supportive sister, she manages to let out a mildly enthusiastic "Woo! Woo!" between bites of bagel and cream cheese. (Lucie's love for cream cheese probably parallels Ryan's love for firetrucks, but that's another post all together...)

Chris and I always have mixed feelings when we hear blaring sirens - it's a blast to see Ryan's pure glee, yet we also know trucks don't come tearing down the road for happy occasions. Thankfully we figured out what time the local fire station does its grocery shopping, and have been able to time some non-emergency visits with the trucks. Now whenever we pass the grocery store, Ryan calls out wistfully, "Woo-Woo?" A little boy and his big red truck - has there ever been a deeper love?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two Years Old Today

September 19th has brought back a flood of memories for us. Hope you enjoy this journey...

P.S. Grandparents, DVD's are on their way to you soon.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Feeling Blah

Though surely not news to most people, we can say first hand that the stomach flu and restaurants are not a fun combination. Well, actually, let's say that the stomach flu and any location (congested Southern California freeways, especially) do not make for a pretty picture.

While away from home a few weeks ago, we arrived at a restaurant tired, hot, and very hungry. Mere seconds after we were seated, Ryan threw up all over the table, restaurant highchair, and himself. Poor guy. And, we forgot the diaper bag in the hotel so we had no change of clothes, wipes or clean diapers. We definitely did not look like seasoned parents, and to think we've been at this parenting thing for almost 2 years!

This crazy night reminded me of something Chris' Aunt Tammie (experienced mother of five) told us - you know you're a parent when you point out restaurants not by their food, but by which of your children threw up in them. At least we're not the only ones.

While we waited out this bug, we hid out at home enjoying the air conditioning and trying on funny head scarves. Anything becomes a toy after three days straight inside...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Twin Green Thumbs

Whenever we visit Chris' parents, I enjoy walking through their beautiful garden, especially in the summer when there are plentiful tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers to take in. I'm definitely not alone in this - on a recent trip, Ryan and Lucie also loved to admire (and eat!) from their Grandma and Grandpa's garden.

R & L had a ball collecting vegetables in baskets, assisting/supervising plant watering, and picking apples. While apple eating was fun, the washing of apples with the garden hose definitely ranked higher in their minds. Now every time we talk about apples (a topic that actually comes up a lot with these guys) they say, "Wash! Wash!", hoping I'll pull out a garden hose just like Grandma.