Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our Own Travels With Tate

Ryan and Lucie had many fun adventures on vacation with their cousin Tate. Each morning when R & L woke up, we would hear Tate spring into action crawling down the hall to tap on our door as if to say, "Cousins, come play with me!"

While Tate wanted to do everything his cousins did (like wear Lucie's hair clips and eat snack foods), Ryan and Lucie wanted to do a few things Tate did too (for example, this crawling contest at Aunt Stephanie's party). With just over a year in age difference, they seem to have more and more in common as the months go by.

Once we got home, things weren't quite the same without Tate's cheerful grin greeting us in the morning. We miss you, Taters!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Devoted Companions

I had to laugh when I read recently that a toddler's attachment to her comfort object peaks between age 18 and 24 months. Anyone who has spent time with Ryan and Lucie lately knows that their buddy blankets go everywhere with them. From trips to the grocery store to a wedding in Minnesota, to the beach, and rides on the slide at the park - Ducky and Bunny (someday we'll think of more creative names) lead quite an exciting life.

While it's great that our little ones have such dear pals, it becomes a problem when Ducky or Bunny decide not to make the return trip home with us. We've had two lost friends, one in Santa Cruz and another on a long hike. Several rescue missions later, neither friend was found. Luckily I discovered a site to purchase them online and can make a quick order. R & L are never too happy about replacements though. I guess they don't have that same beloved Bunny or Ducky smell and feel.

Here's two examples from Bunny and Ducky's adventures this week - hiking with friends Mike and Kathy and making blueberry muffins (that Bunny is quite a cook).

Monday, August 06, 2007

Papa's Boat

On a recent visit with my parents, we went to the yacht harbor to introduce Ryan and Lucie to my Dad's boat. This outing happened weeks ago, yet it's still alive to Ryan and Lucie as they talk about it many times a day. Anytime they spot a boat, they gleefully point at it, sign "boat" (hands cupped together rocking as if on water), and cry out "Papa! Papa!" This is always followed by Ryan saying, "Up! Up!" reminding us of the great time he had climbing up the ladder in the cabin of the boat.

With such a love of boats, we sure hope R & L don't inherit their father's tendency for seasickness. I know my Dad hopes so too - Ryan and Lucie will make great first mates!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Best Buddies

One of the many beautiful things about twins is watching their relationship grow. Ryan and Lucie have always been close, though now that they are starting to speak, we see examples of their unique bond more each day.

Lucie and Ryan were both enjoyed the swings at the park this morning until Lucie decided she wanted to play in the sand with another little girl. Ryan couldn't understand why she would want to leave him. Instead of enjoying the rest of his swing ride, he spent the entire time calling out "Sis! Sis!" in hopes she'd return to his side. It's very important to him that his Sis enjoys the same things that he does - it's just not as fun if she's not there!

Lucie has had a difficult time saying either brother or Ryan, both "r's" being a little tough to come out. Instead she's started to call him "Bo-Bo", an easy version of "brother" and similar to the nickname Chris calls Ryan. We'll say to her, "Lucie, is that your brother, Ryan?" She'll shake her head knowingly and say with a smile, "No, Bo-Bo", just in case you might forget.