Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Want to see me sit?

One of the many amazing things about twins is how different they can be. Lucie has been rolling constantly for about two months now. Little brother Ryan did his first roll a week ago and we've yet to see it since. The skill Ryan prefers to focus on is sitting, and after lots of practice, he can now sit unassisted (sometimes needing his soft Herbie car propped behind him just in case).

This is how they love to spend their playtime - Ryan sitting up with his favorite polka dot ball while the queen of rolling, Lucie, does circles around him keeping her eye on the action and her little grin in the photo.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Best Toy of All - Sis!

Though it seems they've been aware of each other for some time, it's not until this past week that I've seen Ryan and Lucie react to each other's actions and play together.

Lucie is usually the instigator of play, mostly because she's more mobile on the floor. While Ryan is content contemplating his socks or chewing on his feet, big sis will roll over next to him and start touching his face or puting her fingers in his mouth. Yesterday they were playing side by side when Ryan sneezed, sending Lucie into a fit of giggles. Who knew a brother's sneeze could be so amusing?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Back Strain

Don't get me wrong -- we still love our regular walks with Lucie and Ryan in the Baby Bjorns, but it is getting harder and harder on our backs. Even with regular stretching before and after our outings, my back is pretty sore afterwards.

I end up carrying Ryan most often after the smarter parent calls dibs on Lucie well before we leave. Of course, Megan does end up carrying Ryan during her daily walk as he tends to get fussy after extended stroller time. That's a sight to see -- Megan walking down the street with Lucie in the double-stroller and Ryan in the Bjorn.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Bonnets and Sugar Highs

When it comes to first holidays, Easter ranked up there as a favorite with Lucie and Ryan. They got baskets of books and stuffed bunnies from both sets of grandparents, spent the day sitting on my parents' and Uncle AJ's laps, and even got to check out a real (though a bit surly) Easter Bunny.

The highlight of the day was when Chris and my Dad gave the babies a tiny taste of gelato. I'm not sure if it was the flavor or the cold spoon against their teething gums, but they looked very happy.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Skinnie Minnie

Lucie is officially skinny. After gaining only 3 ounces in the last 3 weeks and falling a full two pounds behind Ryan, Lucie has been proscribed extra feedings to boost her weight. Personally, I think it's due to her heavy cardio routine of repeated rolling. Though the near constant finger-sucking probably isn't helping either.

Unfortunately, increasing Lucie's weight isn't so simple. Lucie and Ryan stopped taking a bottle around Christmas-time so we needed to look for another way to increase the calories. Luckily for us, Lucie quickly figured out how a sippy cup works. Now she chases her breastmilk with a triple shot of formula. She should be filling out her sleeper in no-time.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

We Have Teeth!

Lucie's been teething for a few weeks, but her first two bottom teeth have officially broken through this week. While she isn't exactly ready for a porterhouse, she enjoys trying out her new-found chompers on anything within reach.

Ryan is also excited to taste everything around him. No sign of teeth just yet, but it won't be much longer before he can do serious damage.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Almost There

Lucie and Ryan's latest move is the "tripod" where they sit for short periods of time propped up by their arms. If you catch them post-nap with a full belly, they are pretty good at this. Other times, it simply takes too much energy to hold up their little bodies, and they quickly come crashing down.

Oddly enough, a fall rarely brings on crying and they are soon distracted playing with their socks (another favorite game) or contemplating the rug or ceiling. I love this roly-poly age of daily new discoveries - can't they stay little forever?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

When's Thanksgiving?

We've discovered the Ben and Jerry's of baby food -- sweet potatoes. Ryan and Lucie have tried rice cereal, squash and peaches to mixed reviews, but once they had their first taste of sweet potatoes yesterday, the party began. There was much frantic kicking, arm waving and gasps of delight. The next thing I knew, we were all covered in sweet potatoes.

Unless we plan on buying stock in Gerber, we better start cooking and mashing our own sweet potatoes. Ryan and Lucie can't wait until November for another bite.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I Have a Sibling?

It's so interesting to watch as Lucie and Ryan continue their mutual discovery. While they have been smiling at each other for a couple of months or so, lately they seem interested in playing with each other. Currently, their games include "you squeal, I squeal", "tandem bubble-blowing", and "synchronized finger-sucking".

The funny part is that they don't seem to discriminate between whose fingers they suck. Lucie is just as happy to grab brother's hand if it's within reach. Ryan meanwhile doesn't seem bothered at all.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Put Me in Coach...

Ryan is ready to play. In celebration of opening day, Ryan models his Dodger attire: jersey, mock sliding pants, and baseball shoes.

If we actually manage to make it to a game this season, it will have to be in true Los Angeles fashion with arrival in the third inning and departure by the seventh.