Monday, March 02, 2015

Four Years Old: Jake

Sweet, goofy, fun-seeking, lovable, and so very loyal to his friends and family — our Jake turns four years old today. While it's hard to believe that it's already been four years since that foggy, early morning of his birth, it also feels like he's always been with us. Jake made our family complete when he entered the world, the beloved "caboose" to our family train. 

The biggest change in Jake's life these past six months has been starting preschool. Jake LOVES preschool. He adores his teacher, a kind and patient man who gives Jake "homework" so he'll feel just like his big sister and brother. And Jake has a best friend in class, Liam, his first real friendship with a buddy his age.

Along with preschool, Jake has also started his first sports class. After years of following everyone else around to sporting events, at last he has his own soccer class, which of course, he loves. While other kids need to be coaxed away from their parents in class, Jake sprints out on to the field.

Our family is top heavy with nine year olds, which means that our little preschooler soaks in a lot of elementary school behavior. He picks up phrases Ryan and Lucie say, like "Swweeeet!" when something goes well, or "You're toast!" when fighting bad guys. 

Like his sister, Jake enjoys imaginative play and can often be found making up stories with his Paw Patrol cars, trash trucks and pirate ships. He's recently become interested in super heroes, and just got a new pack of Justice League underwear that he had to put on immediately in the store. A four year old boy in nothing but Superman underwear is one of the cutest sights ever. 

While other four year olds may be watching "Frozen", Jake joins his siblings for "Back to the Future" on family movie night. Jake likes to "read" chapter books, has his own bank account and fills out his chore chart daily. He even decided that he needed a tooth fairy pillow, not quite understanding that he may not get a visit for years to come. But, when that first tooth does fall out, he'll be ready (unlike his older siblings' tooth fairy pillow that had to be rushed by overnight mail).

I think we'd all agree that Jake is a little crazy about his clothing. He finds one or two things he loves (grey sweat pants with pockets, his "Shark" shorts (hand-me-downs from Caleb), t-shirts that relate to baseball) and wants to wear them every. single. day.

Jake loves his little stuffed tiger nicknamed "Tiger Tiger". He decided that Tiger Tiger needed a mother for Christmas, and was so excited when Santa ended the little tiger's orphan status. Jake was so happy last week when it was finally letter "T" week (it's been a long wait through the alphabet) and he could bring Tiger Tiger in for show-and-tell in preschool. He did cheat once and bring Tiger Tiger for "G" week, declaring that it stood for "Grrr..."

Oh Jakey, Jake-a-boo, JB (as Papa calls you), Boo — what would we ever do without your joyful spirit in our family? We love you to pieces, and can't wait to celebrate your big 4th birthday with you. It's going to be another incredible year!