Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Encore! Encore!

Lucie and Ryan have developed a multiple step, highly choreographed bedtime ritual. After reading a pile of books, singing several versions of "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee", turning off the closet and bathroom lights, setting up the humidifier (a.k.a. "motor"), patting motor good night, and taking "three more sips!" from their water bottles, they're finally ready to grab Ducky or Bunny and settle down to sleep. Some nights, however, we'll go through this entire dance only to be called back in ten minutes later for an encore of hugs or tuck-ins.

Last night was an evening of multiple encores. After Ryan's third desperate request for us to come back in after bedtime (once for a hug and kiss, another for kleenex), I asked him, "What's the problem tonight, buddy?" He grabbed his pajama-clad foot, started crying and declared, "Mommy, my toe is nawh working!"

I came out of the room laughing — a dysfunctional toe? That's a new one. Fortunately, it was nothing a short toe massage couldn't fix. After that they were both so tired out from requests (or simply ran out of new ideas) that we didn't hear from them or their toes again until morning.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, maybe not. Lucie and Ryan would be happy if the rain stayed now that they have the right gear (thanks Gigi and Papa)!

There's nothing like jumping in puddles wearing a fire man or purple butterfly jacket. I wouldn't be surprised if they slept in their jackets tonight...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beetles and Blue Fuzz

Sunday afternoon is our favorite time for a family hike. We have a great route that takes us through the canyon, and if we time it just right, we're able to see one or two trains pass by. Lately we've been letting R & L out of the backpacks to do some exploring. It's fun for them, and also a break for our backs - these guys are heavy, especially Mr. Ryan! Fortunately for me, when we let the kids pick backpacks at the beginning of the hike, Lucie always picks mine.

A friend gave me good advice on wearing growing toddlers in backpacks. The key is to take the kids out in packs on a regular basis so your body adjusts with your child's growing weight. We've really noticed this to be true. Whenever we take some time off from hiking, our kids feel like a ton of bricks the next time we put the packs on and it's difficult to readjust.

This past hike Lucie and Ryan were on a beetle hunt. Ryan was super interested in them, running up the path in eager anticipation of a find. Lucie preferred to check everything out from a safe distance while holding her Daddy's hand.

We've learned that Lucie is not a fan of little creatures - squirrels, small birds and even seagulls can make her nervous. She found some tiny bits of fuzz from Ryan's socks floating in the bathtub recently and was horrified. "Mommy, I don like blue fuzz!!", she screamed. Ever since the infamous blue fuzz incident, Chris likes to joke with her:

"Lucie, do you like yellow fuzz?"
"Do you like green fuzz?"
"Do you like red fuzz?"
"No! Daddy - I don like ANY fuzz!"

And there you have it. Any plans to put fuzz in Lucie's Easter basket have been put on hold. Ryan, on the other hand, just might love it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Be Mine? (a few days late)

Lucie officially got asked out on her first "date" today. After Stroller Strides class, Lucie and Ryan explored the playground with fellow classmate and almost 2.5 year old, Caleb. During some enthusiastic jumping and giggling on the drawbridge, Caleb stopped, turned to Lucie and said, "Lucie, go get bagels with me?" (Ryan was included too, but Lucie definitely got the first invitation.) It had to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

We had gone to bagels with Caleb and his mom after class before, but never with this formal or sweet an invitation. Of course we would accept! My kids were thrilled and ran to their stroller to head down to the bagel shop. Once we got there, Caleb assigned seats. First off, Lucie. She would sit across from him. Everyone else? Well, we were free to sit wherever we wanted, just as long as we didn't take Lucie's seat.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day

Happy Valentines Day!

For little 2 year olds who eat too many heart shaped lollipops, it's time for the Lucie/Ryan/Aunt Rach workout. Check out that form!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"I Yike It!"

It's funny to think I was once worried that Lucie and Ryan weren't talking enough. Now, we can't get them to stop talking. Not that we would want them to, especially with all the hilarious and interesting (and sometimes bossy) things that come out of their mouths.

Here's the latest on the Lucie and Ryan soundtrack:

"Mommy, it's nawh workin!" (Ryan) A favorite phrase for everything from used-up glue sticks to faulty straws. Ryan expects things to always be in working order. If they're not, he's the first to head to the toolbox.

"I yike it!" or "I don yike it!" (Ryan and Lucie) They both say this all the time. Ryan tried to claim that he didn't like a strawberry milkshake after drinking 3/4 of it in mere seconds. We don't believe that one, buddy.

"Mommy, I wanna see you outside in one minute!" and "Ryan, we don't throw food, we eat it!" (Lucie) Sometimes I feel like I'm hearing my own voice coming out of my two year old daughter. (Hopefully I don't sound that demanding?) Lucie definitely keeps us all in line.

"Meow! Meow! I being a baby kitty cat!" (Lucie, usually followed by Ryan's echo) You never know when a little girl or boy will turn into a baby kitty cat in our home, but one thing's for sure - they always come in pairs.

These photos are from two visits from Grandma and Grandpa and Gigi and Papa. Trips to the zoo and Legoland were both followed by a resounding, "I yike it!" Lucie and Ryan had a blast.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Two Booster Seats, Please

Chris and I recently decided that we should start taking Ryan and Lucie out to eat in restaurants more often. We do it when visiting with family pretty frequently, but rarely do just the four of us go out, especially after our infamous Red Robin incident last fall. Ugh. But, we can't let a little throw-up and some dirty looks stop us. It's good for kids to learn to eat in restaurants. And what better way for them to learn than with practice? (or so I tell myself...)

We ventured out to breakfast this weekend. Breakfast seems to be the best meal to go out as everyone is well rested and the atmosphere tends to be casual and kid friendly. R & L did great. They sat in their booster seats the entire time, with not one attempt to get down or dump salt and pepper shakers. It helped that the restaurant made Mickey Mouse pancakes (with much more symmetrical ears than my own creations) and that we were seated outside on a practically empty patio. We were all so entertained by Ryan's first experience with smoothie "brain freeze" that by the time we knew it, the check had arrived and we were all happily full and satisfied.

It's funny how having kids has made the small details in life seem like such an accomplishment. Things that once were taken for granted - a peaceful car trip, a full night's sleep, a relaxing meal out - are now so cherished and celebrated. It sounds silly, but I never knew I could feel such pride from watching my kids sit nicely and enjoy a meal in a restaurant. These little moments make the tough times blur together into a foggy dream. It's definitely the brain freezes and Mickey pancakes I'll remember instead.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

All Grown Up

While preparing for a visit from baby Natalie this week, Lucie and Ryan took some time trying out their old play mat. Ryan had to make sure all the screws were secure, while Lucie tried her best to fit her entire body on the mat (a pretty tough task). It's hard to believe that two short years ago, they both fit with plenty of room to wiggle and kick.

Speaking of growing up quick, here's a funny story about Lucie. Brushing teeth is always an adventure (or should I say chore?) for Ryan and Lucie. They absolutely hate it and can't understand why their two seconds of sucking toothpaste off the brush isn't enough cleaning.

Chris and I make up little games as we brush their teeth — sometimes using silly voices, others pretending there's something fun to be found in the back of their mouth. Last night I joked with Lucie, "Hey, who's in the back of your mouth? Do I see Elmo? Or is it Duckie?" Usually she giggles and plays along. This time she was fed up. "Just get it out!", she cried, "I wanna read my lyberry book!" There's no fooling this girl.