Tuesday, January 31, 2006

All Aboard!

After successful plane and road trips in December, it was time for Ryan and Lucie's adventure on yet another form of transportation - the train. With my mom visiting, we hopped on the train and met my aunts and cousins for a ladies' lunch (Ryan and cousin Milo joined the ladies, of course). The babies didn't pay much attention to the gorgeous weather, surfers and sunbathers as we cruised up the coast, though they did enjoy a good meal and snooze on the short trip, and convinced the conductor to let us stay in first class after we mistakenly got on the wrong car. (There we go playing the twins card again!)

A few more zzz's followed at lunch, as cousin Milo had a great time watching the trains come and go from our perfectly positioned table overlooking the tracks. He enthusiastically kept us up to date on every incoming train between bites - "Look, this one's a Metroliner!" What more could a four-year-old in a conductor's cap ask for?

Monday, January 30, 2006

4 Month Checkup

It's been 11 weeks since Lucie and Ryan have been to the doctor's office. That seems like a lifetime considering the round-the-clock medical attention they entered the world to. But with no ear infections, colds, bumps, or bruises to trigger a visit, it wasn't until today's 4 month checkup (19 weeks actually) that we went back to the pediatrician.

Both babies were proclaimed happy and healthy after an extensive checkup. Lucie weighed in at 12 lbs, 11 ozs (25th percentile) and 25.5 inches tall (75th). Ryan's still the bigger twin at 13 lbs, 14 ozs (25th) and 26 inches (80th). The exciting news for us, other than the obvious continued good health of our babies, was that their growth can finally be tracked on the full-term chart.

In the photo, Lucie and Ryan show off their well-earned post-immunization band-aids.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Playing the Twins Card

There are many upsides to having twins. But one of the more unexpected has been the special treatment we receive in public. Facing a long line at the grocery with fussy babies, no problem as we're escorted to a newly opened register. Looking to pickup dinner with Lucie and Ryan in tow, our order is cooked first.

And today, on our way back from looking for cribs at Babies R Us, we got a flat tire. After not-so-discretely mentioning that I had 4 month old twins in the car, AAA shows up in less than 20 minutes and had us up and running five minutes later. And while some may question the manliness of calling AAA for a simple tire change, consider that I had Megan breastfeeding Lucie in the front seat, Ryan screaming, and absolutely no idea how to deal with Volkswagen's custom lug nut lock.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Little Individuals Part Deux

Lucie and Ryan's personalities develop more and more each day. Here's a little taste:

Morning Disposition - While Ryan wakes up slowly and peacefully, Lucie goes from totally asleep to screaming in seconds.

Activity Mat Play - When Lucie hears the "ABC" song, she squeals with joy. Ryan is quite partial to the "Charge!" song, sure to be heard at future baseball games.

Most Common Nap Length - Ryan will sometimes take a solid 2-3 hour nap. Lucie, on the other hand, will nap for 40 minutes, wake, play, eat, then nap for another 30 minutes in the time Ryan snoozes.

Latest Trick (demonstrated by photos) - Ryan blows bubbles every chance he gets. Lucie is perfecting the "Full Body" laugh, starting at her toes and shaking her whole body with glee (by the way, those hairy legs belong to Chris, not me!).

Best Buddy - This morning I walked to the other side of the room, looked back, and saw Ryan reaching to hold Lucie's hand. They rarely do this when I'm around (too busy trying to get my attention), but when I look away, they often can be found checking out their big sis or little brother.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Dining Out

Until last weekend, our family dining out options consisted solely of burrito stands, bagel shops, takeout pizza, and those rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. All fine options, but we hadn't ventured to an actual restaurant for a real meal. Someplace with cloth napkins, actual glasses, and an ordering system that doesn't involve talking into a clown's nose.

With the adult to infant ratio dramatically in our favor (Great Aunt Renae, Great Uncle Dana, and my parents were all visiting), we decided to gamble. We left for the restaurant immediately after Megan finished feeding Lucie and Ryan. And, with the exception of one crying jag by Ryan, everyone did great. Fresh seafood was eaten, good wine was drunk, and actual conversations were had.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Month Four!

Lucie and Ryan celebrated their four month birthday yesterday by waking up only once (yes, once!) for a nighttime feeding. In honor of their epic slumber, we spent the morning at the local hospital's "Understanding Baby Sleep" workshop to get some more tips. (On a side note, they are getting so big that we have to put them diagonally in their co-sleeper.)

The speaker spent much of the time talking about the science of sleep while the audience, comprised entirely of sleep deprived moms, juggled babies and Starbucks cups with looks on their faces reading, "Cut to the chase, lady - how do I get my baby to go to sleep, NOW??" We did learn some interesting things, including the counterintuitive fact that sleep begets sleep. That explains why nights when we try to keep the babies up (for fear they won't go to sleep after an evening nap) turn out to be the most sleep-deprived of all.

As my friend Vivi said, every parent has a topic s/he really focuses on during the first year - hers is sleep, and how to get more of it! I'm definitely with her on that one.

Monday, January 16, 2006


With so many nicknames, we hope Lucie and Ryan won't tell their kindergarden teacher their names are Rye-Rye and Goosie on the first day of school. No need to worry too soon about that, so for now, we're having fun with it.

Around our house, Ryan goes by Rye-Guy (a nickname picked up from a nurse in the hospital), Brother Bear (from the Berenstain Bears), Little Buddy, Buster, and even Chris's latest, Bo-Bo (where did that come from?). Lucie is Gooseberry or Gooseberry Pie, Sister Luce (sounds like one of Sister Maria's friends from "The Sound of Music"!), Lucikins and Lucie-Lu. What will we call them next?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Little Individuals

They say every baby follows his/her own book on development. Twins are certainly no exception. While Ryan focuses on achieving one milestone, Lucie works on something completely different. Lately Lucie found her fist and loves to suck on it. We can tell she's searching for her thumb, but can't quite find it yet. Ryan is working on grabbing - when we put a rattle in his little fingers, he can hold on tight to it for several minutes.

They are both developing the muscles needed to sit up. I used to sit them in the boppy and they would stare happily at the ceiling. Now they flex their little ab muscles, executing their "baby cruches", and try to pull their heads up towards a seated position.

Here Ryan and Lucie relax after a particulary tough morning workout of growing.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Scary Toys

On Friday the Thirteenth, it seems appropriate to talk about how today's toys must be designed to scare the beejezus out of infants. In their quest to incorporate every possible selling point (black-and-white, mirrors, teething rings, crazy colors), toy manufacturers have created playthings worthy of Baby Frankenstein. While Lucie and Ryan seem to love them, I'm having nightmares.

Top/Left: Ryan shows off "Whoozit", a half black-and-white, half every-color-known-to-man clam-shaped toy. This also is the first shot of Ryan smiling.
Bottom/Right: Ryan plays with "Inchworm", a multi-colored snake with tentacles and menacing tongue.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Next Rachael Ray

Behold, the lasagne. As you may have already deduced, any lasagne determined blog-worth is not an ordinary lasagne. This, one of my few signature dishes, was made while Ryan and Lucie participated in every twin parent's dream, simultaneous napping. Can you believe it? A few weeks ago, I would have been lucky if I brushed my teeth while the babies alternated 10 minute snoozes. Yesterday, however, I could boil water, brown meat, layer cheeses and voila, a lasagne ready for the oven!

I won't claim too much credit here. Much of why our babies nap better is the same reason they sleep longer at night, simply a case of development. Naps used to exist for only brief periods in a moving object (swing, stroller, someone's arms, etc.). Now the babies are actually sleeping in their co-sleeper, thank goodness. Just as my mom assured me, it does get easier.

I don't want to be too ambitious, but maybe next week I'll make a lasagne and brush my teeth. Don't hold me to that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Built-in Buddies

Just within the past week, Lucie and Ryan have noticed each other. I first saw it when feeding them. I looked down and there was Lucie smiling and giggling at her brother. Before this week we hadn't seen them make eye contact and wondered if each baby realized the blob next to them was their brother or sister. They never seemed to mind when a stray arm or leg batted them in the face; in fact, it seemed normal.

Now, I think they're figuring out where those flying limbs are coming from -- a little playmate!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Baby Gear: The Stroller

Tandem or side-by-side? Sturdy enough to survive a building failing down or light enough to lift with one hand? So many questions to answer when shopping for a twins' stroller. We ultimately decided on the relatively inexpensive Double Snap N Go from Baby Trend.

The biggest selling point for us was being able to use the infant car seats. Not only does it mean one less bulky piece of equipment to lug-around (and store in our one-bedroom condo), but also makes for an easy transition from car to stroller.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Everyday is Laundry Day

For two little people, Lucie and Ryan sure generate a lot of laundry. With diaper accidents, spit-ups, and daily wear, they each can easily go through a few outfits a day. Next thing you know the only clean sleeper for Ryan is his sister's and reads in pink, 'Little Princess'. (Sorry, Ryan - we won't tell your future prom date.)

Recently we were at our friends' house and Ryan's diaper change took a turn for the worse. We discovered that we hadn't packed clean pants in the diaper bag, only clean shirts (rookie parenting mistake). Fortunately, our friends' one-year old, Cooper, had an extra 3-6 month size sleeper tucked in the back of his closet. Thanks, buddy. We're learning.

Here Ryan helps fold his dad's laundry...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Vogue Moment

Spit-up stains -- the new accessory for spring? You know your life has really changed when you start hanging t-shirts and pajama bottoms in your closet for easy access. Where once were blazers, tailored pants, and cute camisoles, now you can find my collection of Old Navy perfect fit tees in stain resisting colors. Next thing you know Chris will add my favorite pink tee to his "Baby Gear" series since it shows up about as often as the swing or bouncy chair.

Luckily, someone in our family has retained her fashion sense. Here's Lucie modeling her baby "designer" (Osh Kosh B'Gosh) jeans.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cousin Cousine

I love being part of a big family. With 6 aunts and uncles on each parent's side, I spent much of childhood with my cousins.

Lucie and Ryan met my cousin Molly's daughter, Gabriella, over the holidays. We're not sure if they are officially second or third cousins, but no matter, a cousin is a cousin. Any day now they'll start making up dorky dance moves to "California Girls", get up at 5 am for epic games of "Uno", turn into prunes from hours together in the swimming pool, ocean or lake, and look forward to every family occasion when they can see each other.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Baby Gear: The Baby Bjorn

The Baby Bjorn is one of those products like "Kleenex" where a single company defines the market. Those inventive Swedes came up with the 'baby backpack' concept some years ago. The benefits are similiar to the sling: close body contact and hands-free for mom or dad. All four of us love it.

Parents of twins should get two of these. Actually, parents of singletons should get two of these as well -- it takes some time to properly adjust the bjorn to fit a parent while trivial to adjust to fit a baby.