Saturday, December 31, 2005

Creative Bathing

With a few extra towels, just about any kitchen sink can be turned into a bath. Over the holidays, Lucie (top/left) and Ryan (bottom/right) bathed in sinks at multiple locations. Here they demonstrate the versitility of my parents' kitchen.

Now that we're back home, this may be an opportune time to tell the grandparents that Ryan 'christened' each sink according to his custom...

Friday, December 30, 2005

My Christmas Vacation

And what a first Christmas it was! Lucie and Ryan had many adventures over their holiday vacation. Highlights included spending Christmas day with their entire extended family (Aunt Rach and Uncle Greg pictured here); cutting down a tree at the Christmas tree farm (they spent the time in the warm office eating lunch with two big dogs); their first plane trip and road trip; and meeting many family friends of all ages.

I learned some new tricks - the most complicated one being breastfeeding both babies in the front seat of our car at several rest stops along our trip home. It was quite a feat balancing little arms and legs on the emergency brake and door arm rest, but it didn't faze the babies who seemed to enjoy the new mealtime scenery. We're so lucky to have such good little travelers.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Glorious Sleep

No, Lucie and Ryan haven't suddenly started sleeping through the night. Instead, Megan and the twins got a headstart on the holidays by travelling to her parents a few days ago. And while I miss them terribly, it hasn't prevented me from sleeping 8 to 10 hours a nights. Blissful, uninterrupted sleep where no one has poopy diapers to change, spits up on me, or decides that 4am seems like a perfectly reasonable time to start the day.

Like a bear hibernating for winter, I'm storing up sleep to get me through the long nights still to come once our family is reunited.

Monday, December 19, 2005

More Smiley

Lucie was at her best after a recent feeding. She must laughed and giggled for 10 minutes or so while Megan and I made faces.

Ryan has started to smile as well -- we just haven't managed to photograph him in the act yet. We may need a camera with a faster shutter speed...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Good Times

At nearly three months age, Lucie and Ryan demonstrate a wide range of emotions. While there has always been plenty of fussiness (particularly in the evening) and crying (especially when hungry), they now have increasingly frequent bouts of happiness, curiousity, and day-dreaming.

Here Andrew and Ryan show off two examples.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Baby Gear: The Sling

The sling dates back to a more primitive time before batteries and plastic. Vibration is provided by the sway of natural motion and music comes from the parental heartbeat (or dad's indigestion as the case may be). It's just you and the baby as Lucie demonstrates in our New Native Natural Baby Carrier.

It also makes a handy bib if worn during dinner. Although all too often I end up wiping spagetti sauce off Lucie's cheeck afterwards.

Parents of twins should buy one and try it out. You may prefer Baby Bjorn's (more on those in another post) or find that the babies don't like the curled-up position the sling forces them into. In our case, Ryan won't tolerate one minute in the sling while Lucie can happily spend an hour snuggled tightly.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Splish, Splash, I Was Taking a Bath

We've heard some parents bathe their babies every day. Wow, I'm impressed. With the assembly line we have to set up, we're lucky if we manage baths twice a week.

While Chris bathes one baby, I entertain the other waiting to get in the tub. Then it's a quick change and I take the bathed baby for spa services (brushed hair, nails, and clean pj's) while the second baby plays in the bubbles. Afterwards, we all collapse on the couch and enjoy the sent of our clean little ones. Cuddling a warm, freshly washed baby is the sweetest of endings.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dance Fever

Lucie and Ryan are starting to self-sooth which means we often don't have to go through the hour-long routine to get them to sleep. Wonderful development as it makes nap-time a more frequent event. But it does mean that they aren't always swaddled when they sleep -- leading to some very interesting sleep positions...

Please note that this photo was originally intended to show off Aunt Rachel's talent with a knitting needle. Ryan seems to love his custom designer duds.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Return of Sleep

Sleep, our long-lost friend, has finally returned.

Countless friends and family have advised us that eventually Lucie and Ryan will start sleeping consistently. But when you haven't slept more than 90 minutes continously since September, those words ring a little hollow.

However, last week a new milestone was reached as we're now only getting up twice a night for feedings/changings. Megan and I are able to sleep about 5 hours a night. Sleep is still spread over three cycles, none longer than 3 hours, but that's a far cry from our October and November experience of 3 to 4 hours a night in one hour cycles.

Baby Gear: The Bouncy Chair

One of our earliest gifts, the Carters Bouncer, has proven to be invaluable. Once again, it's amazing to see the technology included in baby products -- vibration (an absolute must), 4 songs, volume control, and two positions. This chair has more computing power than the Apollo mission.

Both Lucie and Ryan prefer the Carters version to the Fisher Price Baby Papasan. They seem to be much more comfortable lying relatively flat whereas they almost slide out of the tilted Papasan.

Parents of twins need two of these or one if you also have a swing.

Friday, December 09, 2005


I have a cousin who smiled so much as a little boy that most people still call him "Smiley" 25 years later. Based on her early photogenic nature, Lucie and Kyle may have to start sharing that moniker.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ryan and Lucie can MOO, can you?

Just like Mr. Brown in their favorite Dr. Seuss book, Ryan and Lucie are learning to make all sorts of wonderful noises. This morning I heard squeeks, coos, giggles, and something that Chris swears sounded like "hi" out of their little mouths. It's so much fun to listen to their little conversations and smile and coo along. Next thing we know, their vocal cords will be warmed up and just like in the book, they'll be responding to, "What does a cow say?" I think they'll do a rousing "MOO!!"

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Baby Gear: The Swing

One of the most recent additions to our baby arsenal is the Fisher Price Cradle Swing. This is not your parents' swing. It comes complete with 6 speeds, electronic mobile, 4 built-in songs, 2 position cradle, and side-to-side or front-to-back motion -- all powered by 4 D cell batteries.

In short, it is a marvel of modern of twin parenting. If Ryan is demanding full attention, we can put Lucie in the swing for 30 blissful, hands-free minutes. Maybe an hour if we're lucky and it's nap time.

Parents of twins need one of these. It's rare for both babies to be interested in the swing at that same time.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Diaper racket

Why is it that the diapers get less expensive as a baby grows? The NICU used Pampers and we've stayed loyal to that brand, but Premies (P) cost $6.99 for a 20 pack (35¢ each), Newborns (N) cost $12.99 for a 40 pack (32¢ each), and Swadlers (1) cost $17.89 for a 100 pack (18¢ each).

Fortunately for us, Lucie and Ryan have both graduated to the "1" size so we can buy in bulk. Here they demonstrate their new girth.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Day at the Zoo

Within the stroller stride community, the zoo is known as a great place to take babies. With miles of even pavement, plenty of bathrooms and benches, and lots of snack options, there is something for both parents and babies. Based on our visit, we'd agree even though Lucie and Ryan slept through the entire trip.

Top: Lucie, Ryan, and Megan gather around mom's favorite animal.
Bottom: I thought the wandering peacock helped frame a nice shot. Megan thought he was way too close for comfort.

No blog updates?

It's been over a week since the last blog update. Based on the frequecy of inquiries, many fans of Lucie and Ryan have noticed as well.

The big change is that this week Megan is flying solo during the day. After two months of immeasurable help from our fantastic grandmother support staff, it was time to try it by ourselves. I'm happy to report that everyone survived, even thrived, week one. Daily walks to the mall are the trio's current favorite activity. It also helps that Lucie and Ryan are starting to sleep a little more consistently at night, but more on that topic in another post.